Quest Charter Academy – Manufacturing – Production
Academic Grade
Career Focused Instructional Sequence
Social Studies
9th Grade
- Algebra I
- English I
10th Grade
- Earth Science
- US History
- Geometry
- English II
11th Grade
- Problem-Design-Solve
- PLTW - Intro to Engineering
- Biology
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Algebra II
- English III
12th Grade
- Chemistry
- Civics
- Economics
- Business Math
- English IV
Early College Credit
Students have several options to earn college credit during high school including Advanced Placement and Dual Credit
Professional Learning
Career Development Experiences/Career Exploration/Work-based Learning/Team-based Challenges
- 40 hours community service
- 10 hours job shadowing
Industry Credentials
Industry Credentials that can be earned while in high school
ICC Programs
Applied Science Degrees