Diagnostic Services - Illini Bluffs – Food, Agriculture & Natural Resources – Plant Systems, Horticulture(Illini Bluffs)
Academic Grade
Career Focused Instructional Sequence
Social Studies
9th Grade
- Computers
- Physical Science
- Biology
- World History
- Integrated Math 1
- Integrated Math 1 Fundamentals
- English 9
- Enriched English 9
10th Grade
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Civics
- Integrated Math 2
- Integrated Math 2 Fundamentals
- English 10
- Enriched English 10
11th Grade
- Chemistry
- Bio 2
- Earth Science
- Physics
- Physiology
- U.S. History
- AP U.S. History,
- Economics
- Integrated Math 3
- Integrated Math 3 A
- English 11
- Enriched English 11
- Photography and Visual Literacy
- Popular Literature
12th Grade
- HLTH 121 Medical Terminology
- Chemistry
- Bio 2
- Earth Science
- Physics
- Physiology
- Physiology 2
- Economics
- AP U.S. History
- History In Literature
- Integrated Math 4
- Integrated Math 3 B
- MATH 115
- Math for College Readiness
- English 12 Composition
- Photography and Visual Literacy
- Creative Writing
- Popular Literature
- Publications
Early College Credit
Students have several options to earn college credit during high school including Advanced Placement and Dual Credit
- ENGL 110 - Composition I
- AP U.S. History
- ENGL 111 - Compositon II
- PSY 110 - Introduction to Psychology
- SOC 110 - Introduction to Sociology
Professional Learning
Career Development Experiences/Career Exploration/Work-based Learning/Team-based Challenges
- Health Careers Expo-Field Trip
Industry Credentials
Industry Credentials that can be earned while in high school
ICC Programs
Applied Science Degrees